Welcome To Sea Smiles Photography


- In capturing the precious little spontaneous moments that no one else notices.

- That love is POWERFUL.

- That everyone is photogenic..for we are all special.

- In true emotions, colors + feelings.

- That loving your pictures is the most important goal.

-That together we will always create amazing stories.

-That everyone deserves amazing imagery and storytelling.

-That everyone is beautiful and amazing in there own unique way.

Let’s Take A Photo Shoot!

Now you can look elegant


I’m Emily Ahshapanek, Thank you so much for taking the time to look around on my website. This is a place where I share my latest work, passion, and create wonderful stories along the way.

I am a photographer currently residing in Florida.Lets make beautiful memories together.  I love iced lattes, spending time with my husband, my dog, and when my family comes to visit. I love going to the beach and tanning out in the sun whenever I can.

I’m all about genuine, giddy, giggly, goofy love.

I'm not into replicating someone else's work, poses, or outfits.

I want your photos to represent you. You and your quirky awkward dance moves, your signature post, your authentic belly-laugh, and smile. When we work together, I'm doing more than simply taking your pictures, I'm creating an experience that will make you fall more in love with each other, and genuinely capture that feeling.

I want to capture the way they look at you when you're not paying attention. I'll be there to capture the moments you’ll remember forever.

I am your biggest fan. I love your love for each other.
So, after this quick introduction, you think “WOW this is for me”

Shoot me a message, email me, and let's connect!

Contact Me

Hey everyone! This is how you can get in contact with me

Email me at: emily.ahshapanek@gmail.com

Call us at (405) 274-2186

Or, DM on instagram and facebook


@Sea Smiles Photography

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